About Us
Behind the brand are Mayo born sisters Jane and Katie who have always had a love for cosmetics. Back in 2015 we came up with the concept to provide high quality fragrances at an affordable price. We wanted a range of fragrances that not only smelled great but also lasted. The strength and longevity of the scent needed to be as important to you as the smell itself. Jenny Glow launched in 2017 followed by Just Jack, named after Jane's son and grandad, in 2018 both of which are unisex and have proven to be a huge success.
We are blessed to have amazing loyal customers who have been supporting us for many years. Our brands have not only received demand in Ireland but also internationally. Our social media pages are constantly getting messages looking to purchase our brands abroad. So we decided it was time to go online and fulfil this high demand. It took a long time to try and come up with the perfect name. We value customer feedback and read, one day, by a customer online that it "makes sense" to try this brand given the retail price and quality. Then it dawned on us, this was the perfect name for our brand.